Thursday, October 27, 2011

Spin Design

By combining science and art, not only will your paper boomerangs fly extremely well, you can make them as beautiful as the plumage on the most colorful of exotic birds. 

Night Flyers

Read The Paper Boomerang Book and learn how to make paper boomerangs that glow in the dark.  Throw them in a pitch dark room, watch them zoom, and catch them every time.  Here are two photos of paper boomerangs that glow in the dark.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Types of Paper to Use

Railroad board is one of the best types of paper to use.  It comes in 4-ply (four layers) and 6-ply (six layers).  Use the 6-ply railroad board: It is stiffer and it works extremely well.  On page 135 of  The Paper Boomerang Book: Build Them, Throw Them, and Get Them to Return Every Time, I have listed some  sources where you can purchase this paper.  If you cannot find a local store that sells this paper, you can purchase it at  But to save money, try to find a local source for the paper to avoid the cost of mailing.  My book explains how to find this paper, but I will do further research and post additional stores across the United States that carry this paper. 

Note: Some office supply stores do not make a distinction between railroad board and poster board, but  there is a great difference.  Poster board does not work!  It is too floppy.  Be sure you're getting the 6-ply railroad board.  It is stiffer and thicker than poster board.  Pacon Creative Products  has both the poster board and the railroad board.  Be sure to purchase the 6-ply railroad board.  They come in 22 in. x 28 in. sheets and in various colors.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Making and Flying Paper Boomerangs is Really Easy

Hi, I am Mark Latno, the author of The Paper Boomerang Book.  This blog is for all my readers who have additional questions about making and flying paper boomerangs.  I welcome your comments.